Dip Tube Tri-Clamp 1"
Dip Tube Tri-Clamp 1"
In stock
- Delivery time: 2-5 Workdays
Product Description
The dip tube helps you get all the wort out of your kettle. By pumping or draining with the outlet below the bottom of the kettle, you will establish a siphon that pulls all that precious wort from below the port opening.
The end of the dip tube sits approximately 8-10mm from the bottom of the kettle. It is still high enough from the bottom to prevent any flow restriction. The dip tube, if used carefully, can leave as little as 1000mL (38L Kettle) to 1200mL (57L Kettle) of wort in the kettle.
The tube has an internal diameter of 22.1mm. This is the larger of the two dip tubes we offer, and is great for the 83L kettles or wherever you want to connect to other 1" fittings (valve, elbow, etc) at the kettle.
Note: our false bottoms are drilled out for the smaller 15mm ID dip tubes! If you plan to purchase a false bottom and use it with this dip tube, we will drill out the false bottom hole to fit. Please let us know when ordering!
Product Safety Information
Manufacturer: Craft Hardware, Kreuzeckstr 9a 86163 Augsburg, https://www.crafthardware.de/